

Workability Data Application that helps the farmers in order to decided the most suitable period for their spraying activities and warns users for not foreseen unfavorable weather conditions in respect of spraying. For that reason, weather prediction that is used by the farmer must be known.

Developer : CITDEV
Contact :

The App calculates the spraying conditions for a particular location based on the criteria specified by the farmer and the chosen dataset containing the weather predictions (wind speed / direction, probability / type and intensity of rainfall, temperature, humidity, etc). Once the spraying activity has been planned, the information is automatically gathered in order to periodically check that the weather prediction updates don’t affect the scheduled activity workability. Depending on the preferred weather provider, the App can check the forecasts several times per hour. If the value changes significantly, for example not allowing for the execution of the spraying, this module will send a push notification to the farmer management system or other selected platforms, reporting him about this unforeseen event. It allows re-starting the cycle if the farmer deemed it appropriate.

BAD WEATHER WARNING Warning when workability data differs from previously calculated workability data. The prerequisite is that a farmer did a request for workability data. When new weather predictions come in, especially those provided by “Weather Warning App”, the workability data could be recalculated. As soon as the “workable” time differs from the original calculated, a warning is given to the farmer (through FMIS). The farmer can take notice of this warning and eventually take measures. It is also possible that the scheduler collects the new workable time, calculates a new schedule and when this deviates from the previous schedule gives a warning to the farmer that the schedule is changed.

BENEFITS Different fumigation products have optimal application conditions, drying time, absorption rate and retention time. For that reason, sprayer operators need to know a great deal more about the weather and the environment with of high accurate local (at the field level). To achieve this goal, the proposal App will design and develop an automate decision-making prediction module which shall help the farmers in order to decided the most suitable period for their spraying activities and notify them if the forecast prediction has changed.

Application Details
  • Type : Widget
  • Supported languages : English
  • Supported basis : Chrome, Firefox, IE
  • Demo : Code at FISPACE bitbucket by request
  • Video :
  • License : Common License under FISPACE